Carbon emission is such a hot topic in business and rightly so. It is a daunting issue but also an exciting challenge that rewards looking at the problem holistically. I can foresee in the not too distant future every product we purchase having a carbon footprint measurement on it in the same way we have nutritional information on our food products.
We are already seeing this in the retail space with companies like allbirds providing their own footprint calculations for each individual product. Along with businesses certifying their overall business operations with certifications such as Net Carbon Zero, EKOS Zero Carbon, and B Corp.
At LUCKE we are working towards providing our customers with this information with every order. The aim being that it can seamlessly be imputed into a companies sustainability report or their chosen certification assessment.
This not only helps our customers but also our business to track and measure its own footprint. Thus pushing us to not only offset our emissions but focus on reducing them.
For LUCKE shipping is a major contributor to our footprint as unfortunately in New Zealand there is minimal clothing production therefore most of our suppliers are overseas. This will always be an ongoing challenge in a global market but we are excited to recently have signed up with DHL and their GoGreen service. This not only gives us access to our shipping carbon footprint calculation but also the ability to offset with a verified scheme.
By no means is any of this perfect but this is the constant challenge to try and move the dial in carbon emissions. The key is to firstly track, then REDUCE, and lastly offset.